Happy Monday everyone, sorry this post is a little late, I’m currently in Bulgaria and I lost my internet over the weekend! Try to shrink the amount you recycle. https://www.learnalongwithme.com/simple-tips-to-reduce-your-plastic-use Keeping in mind their adverse effects, it is time to understand the reasons to reconsider the use of plastic. Say No to Straws 500 million plastic drinking straws are used and disposed of every day. Store your food in glass or steel containers: Opt for reusable containers rather than plastic zipper bags. Today I made cookies and the flours, sugars, and chocolate chips all came in a plastic container. Stop using plastic straws, even in restaurants. Stop buying bottled water. 1. 1. The small particle in plastic even get eaten by fishes, and it is toxic for them, spreading to other fishes that might feed on even smaller fishes. Here are 17 ways to reduce your plastic waste: Stop using plastic straws , even in restaurants. Use a reusable produce bag. Give up gum. Buy boxes instead of bottles. Purchase food, like cereal, pasta, and rice from bulk bins and fill a reusable bag or container. Reuse containers for storing leftovers or shopping in bulk. Eat in more often or bring your own containers for leftovers. 7 ways packaging is changing to reduce plastic waste. Reduce Energy ConsumptionSave money and the planet by reducing energy consumption at home. Join the tribe of those who swear by the Juju cup. Ditch the wipes. WE all know it's time to start thinking about how to reduce the amount of plastic we use around the house. That said, let’s get right into 10 ways you can reduce the amount of waste your household produces and live a more sustainable lifestyle. … BRING YOUR OWN BAGS This is by far one of the easiest things you can do to prevent plastic buildup in your home, community, world. 16. 3. In this video I share with you 13 easy and basic tips on reducing your daily plastic use. 1. Bring Your Own Reusable Shopping Bags. Follow these steps to do your part in keeping our earth a cleaner place. 2) Use a reusable water bottle. The glass is recyclable and everything is just right from this point of view. The plastics's invasion of the planet is a reality. This guide is packed full of insider tips, … Save waste and switch out your disposable wipes for reusable cloths. https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/10-genius-tips-reducing-plastic-footprint Did You Know? There are plenty of other travel practices to put into place. Use these tips to reduce your plastic waste and bring us closer to a plastic-free future. Buying glass refrigerator containers ($28; amazon.com) saves money and landfill space, when compared with frequent replacement of plastic containers. Here are eight small tips Singer and Kellogg have for reducing plastic in major ways. Opt for Reusable Food Storage Bags. Speaking of refillable, bringing your own thermos for to-go coffee is another way to reduce your plastic footprint. Here are 8 reasons to stop using plastic in your kitchen and throughout your home. Plastic isn’t as disposable as you think. Some plastics may have a negative impact on your health. 2/8 The feel and smell of plastic affects taste. Plastic, heat, and fat are a toxic mix. 4/8 Bacteria love plastic water bottles. Our consumption habits affect others. This National Marine Week, we share 10 practical ways to reduce your plastic waste and help prevent its damaging effect on marine life. There are a wide variety of glass containers with BPA-free lids available that are oven and microwave safe. Be sure to recycle packaging materials after your move. Plastic is a great example of a technological solution that created an even bigger problem. Get your cheese from the deli and place it in your own container (glass or a plastic one that you already have, don't waste what you already have!) Reusable coffee cups are so diverse that you can use them for anything, be it tea, smoothies, or any other liquid. One great idea on how to reduce plastic use is to buy bottled water in glass bottles. It’s estimated that americans use 100 billion plastic bags a year, requiring 12 million barrels of oil to manufacture. 2. Replace plastic dishes with glass, bamboo, metal or ceramic alternatives. the first step is cutting back on our dependability on plastic. If you are thinking about reducing your plastic footprint and traveling sustainably, you are already headed in the right direction. Having a reusable cup with you at all times is a great way to reduce your plastic consumption. I hope these tips help you on your journey to cutting plastic and making changes to help save the … Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Use 1. 6. Zero waste is about recycling less not more. By reducing your use of single-use plastics like plastic straws and plastic bags, you can prevent plastics from entering the landfill. So do your part and wash plastic packaging before throwing in a bin specifically for plastics. Ditch plastic q-tips for plastic-free or reusable. As plastic ages, it breaks down into microplastics (plastic fragments of up to .20 inches in length), which can end up in your … TreeHugger recommends carrying a reusable shopping bag with you, which could reduce... 2. Go digital! Start with a couple of things at first, and then with a couple more. Here are some simple tips that can help you to reduce plastic waste and pollution. 07/08/2019 . When shopping for clothing, check the label of materials. Since the 1950s, the production of plastic has outpaced almost every other material on the planet. Starting by planning meals before you heading to the store, so you shop with a focused list of things you need. A single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade. The first step towards a plastic pollution solution is learning how to reduce plastic use. Around the House. Many organizations, such as U-Haul, have places where you can drop of unused boxes for others to reuse. The plastic in disposable razors isn’t recyclable and … Since the 1950s, the production of plastic has outpaced almost every other material on the planet. However, here are 10 fantastic ways to limit your day to day plastic use. These … Adopt some of these tips and tricks to reduce non-food waste and save yourself a small fortune in the kitchen. Even paper cups are lined with a plastic coating on the inside, making them non-recyclable. Storage Whether you’re packing up leftovers after a big meal, putting together some on-the-go eats, or filing away food in the freezer, food storage can be a … Here are 10 easy ways you can reduce plastic waste in your own life. Stop Drinking Bottled Water. The recent wave of awareness about plastic pollution has led many schools to notice how much plastic waste they create, and to question whether this is an acceptable legacy to pass onto their students, our next generation. Here are some simple tips that can help you to reduce plastic waste and pollution. In the UK we plow through 7.7 billion single-use plastic water bottles every year. 1. Save time sorting out your whites! 37 Ways to Shrink Your Use of Plastic. Drink Your Coffee From a … We all know how bad plastic is for the earth, and now it’s our turn to do a better job of using less plastic. Shop in bulk: This is one of the best ways to reduce packaging waste. Bring a to go mug everywhere and use a refillable water bottle. They’re unnecessary plastic. However, everyone can take small steps to reduce their plastic use and take care of the environment. This article contains affiliate links that help fund our Recycling Directory , … Just earlier this year, I was living a lie, thinking I could recycle whatever I wanted. What that means is that if you recycle a plastic water bottle, you will not get enough plastic … Tips on How to Reduce Plastic Use. Now, it’s time to put some of these plastic-reducing tips into action as you develop your own plastic-reducing routine. Even those that appear to be cardboard are coated in a thin layer of plastic. Make your morning cup of coffee with a french press or pour over with a reusable filter to avoid extra waste. Regarding tips to reduce plastic, I would like to see more products packaged in something other than plastic. Buy laundry detergent in boxes, not liquid in plastic containers. Not only will you be saving natural resources but you will also save a lot of money over time. Below we have listed 10 ways to reduce plastic use, but it doesn’t mean to do them all at once. Trade your plastic bottles for your choice of reusable water bottle, metal, glass or plastic, to help cut down on the 1 million plastic bottles that are purchased globally per minute, 91% of which won't be recycled. How to reduce your personal plastic use in 10 easy steps. 1. How to Reduce Plastic Use: 4 Ways to Use Less Plastic. It’s just a matter of habit to always have a bag with you. Use both sides of the paper! This is a list of 25 different ways you can reduce plastic use in your everyday life. By Emilie Martin. Whether you’re motivated by keeping your own health in tip top shape, or you feel inspired to reduce plastic pollution on our the planet (or both!) Use a reusable water bottle. We have gathered a few tips to reduce your plastic footprint during this month and help you quit single-use plastics in these extra challenging times of COVID-19. Before the team departed for the expedition, we asked our @InsideNatGeo followers to share questions they have for Lilly about the expedition and how they can reduce single-use plastic in their lives. Recycling is the last option, and these days, it’s not a great option. An estimated 12.7 tonnes of plastic ends up in … Most shops give you a discount for using your own cup-bonus! There’s even an app that tells you where you can refill your bottle for free! In the United States alone, Americans used 50 billion plastic water bottles. 13. You can use these tips for a more sustainable 2014, and simplify your life with less plastic, less clutter, and a whole lot more fun (and money). 7.7 billion single use plastic water bottles are consumed in the UK every year. Glass, Ceramic, and Other Alternative Materials. In the UK we plow through 7.7 billion single-use plastic water bottles every year. When moving, use old newspapers to wrap fragile materials. Take out containers are one of the biggest culprits for pollution. #environmental sustainability #society #climate change. 1. Fortunately, you can get started by simply investing in a few new products to permanently take the place of your plastic ones. Carrying a reusable bottle is a great way to cut your plastic use and save money too! And over the past hundred years, it’s changed our lives in ways almost too fundamental to register. 21 Ways to Reduce Plastics in Your Home 1. Use natural light during the day and unplug unused electronics. Here are five easy ways to reduce your plastic usage. How to reduce single-use plastic: 10 tips. Plastic is cheap, versatile, useful, and convenient. Water bottle monogamy may be … 3. But even just slightly reducing your reliance on plastics can seem like a daunting task at first. When doing laundry, make sure to use cold water.. However, plastic containers are everywhere, so letting them go may be a bit tricky in the lack of alternatives. We've come up with 15 ways you can reduce your plastic consumption to help create a more hopeful future for the fate of our oceans. Ask your local grocer to take your plastic containers (for … Tips to Reduce Plastic Use. Plastic is really downcycled rather than recycled. This one is a really simple way to reduce your plastic footprint. You just can use your own bag to put your stuff inside. TIPS TO USE LESS PLASTIC . If we are to undo the damage we’ve done, we must reduce plastic waste and further usage of any plastics immediately. The theme for 2018's World Environment Day is Plastic Pollution. Reusable bottles on-the-go Carrying your own reusable bottle – be it of steel, glass or hard plastic – is entirely safe, as long as you regularly wash it with water and soap. Yes, you can recycle most plastics – sort of. By bringing a reusable water bottle when you're at work, school, or on-the-go, you will reduce your need to buy a single-use plastic water bottle. Another great way to reduce your plastic use is to choose reusable food storage... 3. Harriet Dyer, author of Say No to Plastic shares 10 simple ways to clean up your personal hygiene routine. Here are 11 ways to reduce the use of plastic bags: Count your plastic bag usage for a month; Bring your own reusable bag; Refuse plastic bags; Use a box from the shop; Empty the trolley directly in your car; Get a small foldable bag and keep it on your key chain; Reuse your ‘single-use’ plastic bags Repurpose your plastic … Carry Reusable Shopping Bags. With a few adjustments to your daily routine, you can easily reduce waste at the office. Take a pledge to reduce your plastic use From carrying reusable straws to composting, here’s how you can make an impact. Use non-plastic straws. At home, you never have to use a plastic bottle because you can drink water in your glass. Rather than storing your leftovers in plastic containers, choose glass. Reduce your plastic usage by bringing your bag in the shop, buying loose produce and bulk whenever possible & visiting your farmers market. Non-plastic dishes. Plus you'll be eating fewer processed foods! 1. With time, their usage has increased immensely. Nearly one million plastic drink bottles are sold around the world every minute! Give up gum. New research shows we each consumer 5g of plastic a week without knowing it! We can reduce our plastic usage easily. Everything from flours to frozen fruit to dishwasher tablets, all come packaged in a zip-top plastic … Purchase or make your own reusable produce bag and be sure to wash them often! Buy farm fresh eggs in reusable paper containers. Easy Ways to Reduce PlasticUse Reusable Water Bottles and Coffee Mugs. It only takes a few minutes to drink a bottle of water or enjoy an almond milk latte, but that plastic bottle ...Swap Plastic Bags for Reusable Bags. Bring your own bags! ...Pack Your Own Gear. ...Stop Using Plastic Straws. ...Shop the Bulk Sections at Your Grocery Store. ...Make Your Own Toothpaste! ...More items... 2) DIY Look online for DIY tutorials for some essentials that you use daily, like dry shampoo, deodorant, face masks, etc. Carry Reusable Shopping Bags; Drink Your Coffee From a Reusable Cup; Avoid Bottled Water; Steer Clear of Plastic Straws (If You’re Able) Switch to Plastic-Free Chewing Gum; Shop at a Farmers Market; Swap Out Bottles for Bars ; Avoid Buying Clothes Made With Plastic; Compost Food Waste It might seem daunting, but a cup is a great way to reduce your plastic waste (and save roughly $4,000 over a lifetime). Do your laundry less. Follow these steps to do your part in keeping our earth a cleaner place. You may not realize how much plastic you use on a daily basis, but here are 10 tips to reduce how much plastic you use: 1) Ditch the straws! Reduce everyday plastics such as sandwich bags and juice cartons by replacing them with a reusable lunch bag/box that includes a thermos. 10 tips to reduce plastic pollution 1) Say no to plastic straws. Just remember that the plastic waste island floating in the Pacific Ocean now measures 1.6 million km 2. Tips to Reduce Plastic Waste and Plastic Pollution. An estimated 12.7 tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans every year, a measurable threat to marine life. For instance: any plastic material with food residue cannot be recycled because we lack segregation and processing facilities in the country. It doesn’t matter whether you go to the next grocery store, the farmer next door or for shopping. 2. Say NO to plastic straws.....and say YES to reusable ones. Top tips for reducing plastic usage from Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Less Plastic - Ways to reduce the amount of plastic you use in daily life. Reduce your own plastic use: Eight of the 10 most common items found in beach cleanups are single-use … In recognition of The Wildlife Trusts’ National Marine Week, we recommend 10 practical ways to reduce your plastic waste and help prevent its damaging effect on the marine environment. The plastic used for most bottled water is of very low quality, posing the risk of, over time, leaching out toxic chemicals. 12. The production and disposal of plastic food packaging is energy-intensive and leads to polluted air, soil, and water resources. Click here to view our new sustainably produced eco Living range 10 Tips To Help You Reduce Single-Use Plastic Pollution. Better yet, search out your new dishes at a local thrift shop so if they do get broken, it’s not a big deal. According to the EPA, we use over 380 billion plastic bags and wraps every... 2. Plastic products have become a part of our modern life. The bottles discarded, once used, can take 500-1000 years to decompose, all … Check out Earth Day Network’s End Plastic Pollution campaign, find additional ways to reduce your plastic waste and make a pledge to reduce your use of plastic. One load of laundry uses approximately 40 gallons of water, so make sure you have a nice full load to help your clean tees stay “green.”. Bring your own bags and containers to the grocery store. Check out these 10 simple tips for staying waste-free at work, and cut the footprint of your workday in half. In addition to reusing or repurposing single-use plastic items, many folks attempt to reduce the amount of plastic products that flow through their lives. Posted by jennyrusson96 February 22, 2021 Posted in Uncategorized. Tips to Reduce Plastic Waste and Plastic Pollution. Use an electric shaver. These are some simple steps to seriously reduce your plastic use right now. Avoiding the existing microplastic is a challenge, it is important to reduce each individual’s contribution to the problem. Unfortunately, our temporary convenience is our planet’s long-term burden. In this case, you can stop using excess plastic products and consider recycling items to reduce plastic waste. Previous Advantages of sustainable, off-grid living . However there is an alternative. 10 ways to reduce waste in the workplace We all know that reducing waste is an important part of conserving our planet’s resources and protecting it for many years to come. Reduce the amount of stuff that we’re using, buying, consuming, and throwing out so that it stays out of the landfill. Reduce … This will reduce plastic waste from your house too. And, they are not just bad for the environment, they block our drainage systems too. Animals may gobble up straws they find in their natural habitat, mistaking them for food. Don’t use bottled water. See our full range of infographics with lots more tips for reducing plastic in your personal life and in the workplace. 11. And don’t stop there. You'll do your health a favor, too. And another enviornmental problem with plastic is that it’s made from oil. ... Buying food in bulk allows you to purchase food completely package- and plastic-free, which reduces your … Don't use plasticware at home and be sure to request restaurants do not pack them in your take-out box. Tag @upstreampolicy, too, and Upstream, an organization fighting plastic pollution by advancing policies and corporate responsibility, will repost it. Anyway, with bringing your own reusable bag you can avoid using plastic bags. Top 10 Tips To Reduce Your Plastic Waste. Ditch sponges in lieu of compostable scrubs or brushes. People never considered their harmful effects much until the recent past. Blog 10 ways to reduce your use of single use plastics The benefits of plastic are irrefutable, they are cheap, easy to manufacture and convenient. Get Rid of Plastic Cutlery For something we can readily get from a tap that is a lot of plastic and a huge expense as well. Reducing Plastic Use: Pros and Cons . Top 10 Tips to Reduce Your Plastic Use. We can see plastic products everywhere. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR PLASTIC CONSUMPTION Reduce your plastic consumption and lessen its impact on the environment. 1. Here's how to fight back. The next step to reducing the plastic use in your kitchen is simply changing the way you shop. Plastic is everywhere and it can feel impossible to avoid plastic pollution. Filtered tap water may be a better choice of drinking water than bottled water. Avoid buying frozen foods. This will also help you reduce the amount of food you waste. See below for a selection of the questions and Lilly’s answers. Reducing your person plastic use is not as tricky as you might think. 10 ways to reduce your plastic use. Reduce Plastic Waste Tip #3 – Don’t Buy Water in Plastic Bottles. 1. 10 Trash Reducing Tips From Zero-Waste Activist Lauren Singer. Forget paper or plastic. Stainless steel water bottles The real issue with plastic . We use more than 500 MILLION plastic straws every single day. 1. But what are the costs to our health and to the environment? We all fall victim to the conveniences of plastic—bottled water at a picnic, plastic-wrapped snacks on-the-go, plastic cutlery with takeout food. Replace your bottled bathroom products or get it wrapped in paper. Wet wipes, while you may not think of them as plastic, are and they are a huge source of waste. Reduce the purchase of products in plastic containers and replace single-use plastic items with reusable ones like reusable straws, water bottles, shopping bags, and vitamin cases.6. (But if you’d like to also reduce how much you use your microwave, here are some great ways to heat food without one.) The first step towards a plastic pollution solution is learning how to reduce plastic use. 2. Use moving boxes with the highest content of recycled paper and bubble wrap containing recycled plastic. The bad word of the century, in terms of plastic pollution, is ‘single-use‘ and the keyword is ‘reusable‘. We’ve rounded up tips and simple ideas to help you reduce your plastic usage while traveling or at home. So when it comes to plastic use, start the recycling and segregation at home. Conversely, praise businesses that are reducing their use of plastic by tagging the business and posting photos on social media. Stop Drinking Bottled Water. It is hard to do, but if you find the whole issue hard to deal with, it's possible to make just one or two changes at a time. Say no to plastic straws Americans discard 14.4 million tons of plastic a year, but there are many easy ways to reduce plastic consumption.
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