Detect OS, browser and device in AngularJS. Behavior in Chrome; Behavior in IE11 ; navigator.userLanguage; navigator.browserLanguage; navigator.systemLanguage; Examples; Real-life scripts; More ways on detecting user language; To detect a user's preferred language, we may refer to … While creating a web application, especially a public facing one, it is necessary to deal with cross browser compatibility. For Angular applications, we can use the ng-idle library. Browser files can also be used to detect platforms and not only browsers. this. we will see simple example of how to detect window height and width in angular 6, angular 7, angular 8, angular 9, angular 10, angular 11 and angular 12 application. Ben Nadel demonstrates how to use the "replaceUrl" option of the Angular 7.2.14 Router to persist search criteria to the URL without bloating the Browser's History stack unnecessarily. "deviceDetector" contains all data regarding browser, os and device. Newer Post Older Post Home Best Selling Angular Book (All-In-One) Web Programming Java … For example – you want to know when the user closes the Browser Tab and execute your code. Ad. try this. Device Information. In this lesson we will see how we can gracefully detect the Operating System, browser and device used by our user to browse our website. These properties allow us to differentiate navigation actions that were triggered imperatively by our application code; or, as a location-based change such as clicking the browser's Back and Forward buttons. Preferably I want to detect this action using angular.js. Try to press the "Caps Lock" key inside the input field: WARNING! Use this tool to detect what is running under the hood on the webpages you visit.