The main reasons for land degradation are deforestation, Excessive Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides, Overgrazing, Salination, Water-logging, Desertification, mining and climate change. Land degradation—the deterioration or loss of the productive capacity of the soils for present and future—is a global challenge that affects everyone through food insecurity, higher food prices, climate change, environmental hazards, and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. 3. Stabilization of sand dunes by growing thorny bushes. Land degradation is driven by both by changes in climate or human activities. fluvial erosional and depositional landforms geography upsc ... Running water in a heavy rainfall area is the most important agent of land degradation. UPSC magazine covering all the monthly currentaffairs and more. Land degradation and its Causes | UPSC – IAS. The Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world, is losing its ability to regulate climate due to degradation from logging, forest fires and land clearance, warns a new study. Land degradation/ Desertification. At the same time, it is a major cause of other types of degradation, particularly water and wind erosion. This is commonly termed as Land use. Land degradation is caused by multiple forces, including extreme weather conditions particularly drought, and human activities that pollute or degrade the soil. There are many ways to solve the problems of land degradation. Land Degradation Mapping Land degradation is temporary or permanent degeneration of productivity of land due to physical, chemical or biological factors. This could be linked to increased droughts, such as the current one in São Paolo. The major cause for land-use change is agricultural land for food, animal feed and fibre and By 2050, over 500 Mha of new agricultural land will be needed to meet the global food demand which may worsen the scenario. The UNCCD is committed to a bottom-up approach, encouraging the participation of local people in combating desertification and land degradation. Download as PDF. Stabilization of sand dunes by growing thorny bushes. It can be a factor in CO2(carbon dioxide) atmospheric concentration and is thus a contributor to global climate change. Loss of natural fertility of soil because of loss of nutrients. also lead to soil erosion by aggravating the natural processes of erosion. less than 10 per cent of the planet’s surface willhave escaped substantial human impact. Land-use change represents almost 25% of total global emissions. LAND DEGRADATION. For reasons outlined above, poor farmers are led to clear forest, cultivate steep slopes without conservation, overgraze rangelands, make unbalanced fertilizer applications, and the other causes noted above. The cumulative increase in desertification / land degradation between 2003-05 to 2011-13 in India was 1.87 Mha, or an increase by 0.57 per cent. The UN Convention to Combat Desertifi cation (CCD), of which Kenya is a signatory, recognizes land degradation as a global development and environment issue. UNCCD defines desertification as “land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities”. For reasons outlined above, poor farmers are led to clear forest, cultivate steep slopes without conservation, overgraze rangelands, make unbalanced fertilizer applications, and the other causes noted above. About 29% or about 96.4 million hectares are considered degraded. 4. Land degradation has far stretching effects on mankind, like disease, forced migration, malnutrition, cultural damage and even war. The … Planting of shelter belts of plants. The analysis reveals that 96.40 million hectares (mha) area or 29.32% of the Total Geographic Area (TGA) in India is undergoing a process of land degradation during 2011-13, which is an increase of 1.87 mha area or 0.57% of TGA since 2003-05. ... land pollution. Land degradation results in unprecedented damages to the whole living world…. In 2011-2013, India’s land degradation area totaled 29.3 percent of India’s total land area, representing an area of 96.4 million hectares (mha). Soil degradation is the decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial or urban purposes. Shakeel Anwar. The document was released after being agreed on by the member parties of the United Nations … The geography section had maximum weightage with eight questions- Q. These, in turn diminish the availability of nutrients and water to the plants and ultimately the productivity of the land. Changes in climate are recognized as one of the major factors responsible for land degradation affecting sustained development. UNCCD UPSC Notes: -Download PDF Here ... Desertification is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. In News A government panel suggested setting up a separate organization for land management in the country. Loss of fertility inland and persistent droughts are some of the contributing factors of several wars happening in Sudan and Syria. The land is used for different purposes such as agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads and setting up of industries. The extent of forest cover in 1980 and 1990, and the annual rate of deforestation, is the subject of a current FAO project, Forest resources assessment 1990. What is Land Degradation - Burning Issues - Free PDF Download As per the report, nearly 30 per cent of the country’s total geographical area is undergoing degradation. It is also caused by human activities that pollute or degrade the quality of soils and land utility. Nearly one-third geographical area of the world is facing degradation that amounts to $300 billion. In fact, according to the UNESCO, land degradation is undermining the well-being of two-fifths of humanity, driving species extinct and intensifying climate change. Explain what you understand by land degradation. Pollution of water resources from the contamination of soil through which water sweeps into ground or runoff to the water bodies. It negatively affects food production, livelihoods, and the production and provision of other ecosystem goods and services. Land degradation is any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Introduction The soil erosion, caused primarily by water and wind, is one of the major contributors to the land degradation. From: Soils and Landscape Restoration, 2021. Land degradation is the most important environmental problem currently challenging sustainable development in many parts of the world. It is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land … Grassland degradation, also called vegetation or steppe degradation is a biotic disturbance in which grass struggles to grow or can no longer exist on a piece of land due to causes such as overgrazing, burrowing of small mammals, and climate change. Land shortage and poverty, taken together, lead to non-sustainable land management practices, meaning the direct causes of degradation. Land degradation affects some 3.2 billion people worldwide and This could further rise to 90 per cent by 2050, if not checked. Deforestation is a widespread and serious type of land degradation in the region. Soil erosion usually happens at a much faster rate than soil formation, soil erosion leads to a gradual degradation of soil quality. Land degradation is a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land. Land degradation affects some 3.2 billion people worldwide and This could further rise to 90 per cent by 2050, if not checked. Globally, nearly one-third of the total geographical area faces degradation which could cost the world roughly $300 billion due to land use change, reduced crop land and decline in productivity. The concept of Land Degradation has evolved over time and its focus shifted from production-oriented to the broader scope of impact on ecosystems. 2011-2013, India’s land degradation area was 29.3 percent of India’s total land area, i.e. Body. In the prelims syllabus, there are four parts such as Indian, world, physical and human geography. Land degradation occurs slowly and cumulatively and has long lasting impacts on rural people who become increasing vulnerable (Muchena 2008). Land degradation is caused largely by soil erosion, but also by water logging and excessive salinity. The report-cum-atlas showed that during 2011-2013, the most recent time period to be quantified, 29.3% of the country was undergoing land degradation. Compared with 2003-2005, the country experienced a 0.57% increase in land degradation and more land has been degraded than reclaimed. Land degradation neutrality is an idea that owes its origin to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in Rio in 2012, where member states recognised the need for urgent action to reverse land degradation. Land degradation and land desertification are two main environmental issues in India. 2. The condition of the soil is one of the best indicators of land degradation. India faces a severe problem of land degradation, or soil becoming unfit for cultivation. About 29% or about 96.4 million hectares are considered degraded. The State of India’s Environment report, 2017 calculates that nearly 30 per cent of India is degraded or facing desertification. Even though our country is blessed with wide varieties of soils with high fertility, it is being degraded day by day by various natural and human activities. Land degradation can be caused by both manmade and natural reasons s. GK, General Studies, Optional notes for UPSC, IAS, Banking, Civil Services. Proper management of grazing. Land degradation is caused by multiple forces including extreme weather conditions, particularly drought. A study by Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute or TERI estimated that the economic losses from land degradation and change of land … The mention of international financial institutions like Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Adaptation Fund has been deleted from the finalised New Delhi Declaration: Investing in Land and Unlocking Opportunities, released on the evening of September 13, 2019.. Land resources: Availability and Degradation. Less vegetation cover. ; Under the Presidency: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Union Environment Ministry has committed to rejuvenate 50 lakh hectares (5 million) of degraded land between 2021 and 2030. Significant drivers of land degradation are overgrazing, unplanned urban sprawling, and deforestation. INTRODUCTION The change in the characteristic and quality of soil which adversely affect its fertility is called as Degradation. World is facing severe problem of environmental degradation due to rapid Increase. The Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund, co-promoted by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Mirova, is a first-of-its-kind impact investment fund investing in profit-generating sustainable land management (SLM) and land restoration projects worldwide. Land shortage and poverty, taken together, lead to non-sustainable land management practices, meaning the direct causes of degradation. Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) has been defined by the Parties to the Convention as: A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems. Soil degradation is the decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial or urban purposes. This is an increase of 0.57 percent compared with 2003-2005 (an area larger than the state of Nagaland). Please Share with maximum friends to support the Initiative. The major cause for land-use change is agricultural land for food, animal feed and fibre and By 2050, over 500 Mha of new agricultural land will be needed to meet the global food demand which may worsen the scenario. The soil integrates a variety of important processes involving vegetation growth, overland flow of water, infiltration, land use and land management. To attain land degradation neutrality (LDN) it is essential to have access to relevant knowledge for decision-making (Akhtar et al., 2017).With its core concerns of conserving land for ecosystem functions and services as well as food security, LDN is dependent on sustainable land management (SLM) to stabilize - and improve - the current status (Cowie et al., 2018). Introduction. Land Degradation. India has raised the target of restoring land with degraded status from 21 million hectares to 26 million hectares (27% of total degraded land) by 2030. and land degradation are also occurring. Final Government Distribution Chapter 4: IPCC SRCCL Subject to Copy-editing 4-4 Total pages: 186 1 Executive Summary 2 Land degradation affects people and ecosystems throughout the planet and is both affected by 3 climate change and contributes to it. There are many ways to solve the problems of land degradation. Soil degradation is a serious global environmental problem and may be exacerbated by climate change. Loss of soil fertility results in low productivity. The land, which is left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year is known as Current Fallow. Natural processes play a part, but humans cause most of the damage. Explanation : Land Degradation is the reduction or loss of biological or economic productivity of the land. In this light, explain the causes of land degradation. Desertification occurs on all continents except Antarctica and affects the livelihoods of millions of people, including a large proportion of the poor in drylands. Land degradation means reduction in the potential of the land to produce benefits from a particular land use under a specified form of land management. In-Detail To boost the infrastructure investment, a government ... What is the Importance of Mock Interviews for UPSC? Land is a vital resource to humankind, like air and water. Geomorphology physical geography fluvial erosional and depositional landforms geography upsc. Land desertification is a global problem and global cooperation is needed to combat desertification. Various move for land conservation National Afforestation & Eco Development Board (NAEB) Division of the MoEFCC is implementing the “National Afforestation Programme (NAP)” for ecological restoration of degraded forest areas. The use of the WOCAT-LADA (Land Degradation Assessment) mapping approach is illustrated, with a case study from Madagascar. Soil erosion and land degradation through various means further affect the physical viability of the soil profile and the environment in terms of solid, water, air ratio as well as chemical and biological balances. 4-7, and 14-17 worth 100 marks. Land degradation working in tandem with climate change and biodiversity loss may force up to 700 million people to migrate by 2050. Changes in the characteristic of soil. According to the UNCCD, land degradation refers to the loss of biological or economic productivity of land resulting from land uses or from a combination of factors including human activities. In this, a series of checks are put in place across the slope of a hilly surface. Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) has been defined by the Parties to the Convention (UNCCD) as: A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems. Soil degradation is, in itself, an indicator of land degradation. Explanation : Land Degradation is the reduction or loss of biological or economic productivity of the land. Degradation of Amazon rainforest affecting its natural function. What are soil erosion and soil degradation? Regular updates and information on degraded land is essential for the Government to plan necessary measures to tackle degradation processes and to plan for reclamation programmes. Proper management of grazing. Land degradation has accelerated during the 20 th and 21 st centuries due to increasing and combined pressures of agricultural and livestock production (over-cultivation, overgrazing, forest conversion), urbanization, deforestation and extreme weather events such as droughts and coastal surges, which salinate land. Highlight the status of India and land-use – India faces a severe problem of land degradation, or soil becoming unfit for cultivation. normally are not suitable for cultivation, hence, they … Keywords: Watersheds, wasteland, livestock, land degradation, common property resources. Land degradation means: 1. Land degradation is the temporary or permanent decline in the productivity of the land. Land Degradation. Understanding and integrating mosaic pieces at the local level can help in comprehending impacts at the national and global levels as observed by remotely sensed imagery. The Report concludes that an urgent step change in effort is needed to prevent irreversible land degradation and to accelerate the implementation of restoration measures. In Niger, for example, the costs of degradation caused by land use change amounts to around 11% of its GDP. Soil erosion and land degradation together, constitute one of the major problems that disturb the ecological balance of the world. Land use/cover changes had significant influence on physical and chemical soil properties leading to land degradation. The radical changes in land use have occurred all over the country, but the changes in agricultural land use are substantial in the areas of the green revolution. Soil degradation is a serious global environmental problem and may be exacerbated by climate change. Environmental issues in Regional Planning – UPSC June 13, 2021 June 13, 2021 / Regional Development and Planning / Leave a Comment In this article, You will read Environmental issues in Regional Planning – for UPSC (Human Geography – Geography Optional). Land degradation is a big challenge to policy makers who need to balance the multiple goals of poverty eradication, food security and sustainable land management. For a detailed explanation, watch the below video: It facilitates cooperation between developed and developing countries, particularly around knowledge and technology transfer for sustainable land management. Land degradation is any reduction or loss in the biological or economic productive capacity of the land resource base. Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas : Environment for UPSC Exams The report is a part of an on-going study, initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, was led by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). There are significant spatial and temporal changes in the patterns of land use in India. Desertification is a significant global ecological and environmental problem. Yet land degradation is putting the health, livelihoods and security of an estimated 3.2 billion people at risk. A study by Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute or TERI estimated that the economic losses from land degradation and change of land … Human activities such as deforestation, excessive grazing by cattle etc. Land degradation 1. The Environment Ministerial Meeting (EMM) of the G20 countries took place through video conferencing. The area of land converted from Degraded in 2003-05 to No Apparent Degradation in 2011-13 was 1.95 Mha. UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework Therefore we need to protect and fix the land as a vital resource.. International community came together to save land…….. Land degradation is any reduction or loss in the biological or economic productive capacity of the land resource base. Approximately 6.35% of land in Uttar Pradesh is undergoing desertification/degradation. LAND DEGRADATION Man’s progress towards development has, however, considerably damaged our land resource base, probably since the dawn of civilization. Livestock vis-à-vis overgrazing is yet another factor causing degradation of the existing common pool resources (CPRs). Soil degradation is a serious global environmental problem and may be exacerbated by climate change. Delaying the implementation of proven actions to combat land degradation will result in the necessary steps becoming progressively more difficult and costly. It can also result in the abandonment of land and desertification. In UPSC prelims general studies paper geography is included as well as in the main exam’s GS paper 1. There has also been a shift in focus from soil degradation (such as covered by the GLASOD, ASSOD and SOVEUR projects) to land degradation (e.g. Contour Bunding. Area of India undergoing the process of land degradation, as of 2011-13 is 96.5 million hectares of land – 29% of total geographical area Factors for land degradation: UPSC Civils Daily Mains Question 20th March-2021. When the fertility and crop production capacity of the land reduces, either by climatic changes or human factors, then it is known as land degradation. Q) “India has been facing a severe problem of land degradation. Although soil erosion is a natural process, human activities over the past decades have greatly accelerated it. In this article, You will read Soil Erosion, Land Degradation, and Soil Conservation for UPSC (Biogeography). Discuss efforts made by India to tackle the issue. ... UPSC Exam Details UPSC Exam Notification ... crops are cultivated in alternate strips which are parallel to each other on the same piece of land. Research on soil properties changes due to land use/cover management is critical to understanding land degradation processes, sustainable use and resource dynamics in semiarid areas. Wind and water erosion are the two common types of soil erosion. Even as it prepares to host a global conference on rising desertification, India faces a growing crisis of land degradation: Nearly 30% of its land area, as much as the area of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra put together, has been degraded through deforestation, over-cultivation, soil erosion and depletion of wetlands. One hectare of land in India produces 1 tonne of the crop as opposed to 6 tonnes in the U.S. because the fertility of the land is low in India. Even if someone doesn’t take geography as the optional subject, he/ she has to study this subject in order to clear the IAS exam. To curb this problem Indian government is committed to the target of UN land degradation neutrality (LDN) by 2030. Farmers in India are complaining about low productivity because of various reasons and soil degradation is one of them. GLADA), the latter including more biophysical elements such as water, vegetation, animals and … 1. Physical Factors determining the use of land- topography, soil, climate, minerals and availability of water. Model Answers for UPSC CSE 2020 GS 1 Paper. A Centre for Excellence would be set up in Dehradun for land degradation neutrality. Uses of Land. Barren hilly terrains, desert lands, ravines, etc. Part of: GS Prelims and GS-II – International Relations & GS-III – Climate change In news. Out of the total land area, as many as 175 million hectares suffer from degradation. The target for Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) or restoration of degraded land decided then was 30 million hectares (mha). Desertification is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. Back to article. The Georgian Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources Protection rates 35% of its agricultural land as being degraded and, as per the Ministry of Agriculture, 60% of agrarian land in Georgia is of low or middle production quality. land degradation. Land Degradation in India: Indian land yield is among the lowest in the world. This year’s UPSC Mains GS 1 has been moderate in difficulty as many questions were straightforward and directly related to the syllabus. LAND DEGRADATION. Process of Land Degradation The Process of Land Degradation is outlined below: … Global Initiative to Reduce Land Degradation And Coral Reef Program. Globally, about 24% of the global land area has been affected by degradation and over 1.5 billion people live on degraded lands (IFPRI, 2012). Using a comprehensive analysis to determine the extent, degree, and drivers of soil degradation, Oldeman et al. The rapid increase in human population has placed a great strain on the land and soil resources resulting in land degradation and soil erosion. Land is a finite resource is subject to competing pressures from urbanisation, infrastructure, increased food, … The Global Environment Facility was established in October 1991 as a pilot program with … Land Degradation Soil degradation is the decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial or urban purposes. Land degradation encompasses change in chemical, physical and biological property of the soil. Major issues Land and forest degradation. The launch of Global Initiative to reduce Land Degradation … Any land, which is left fallow (uncultivated) for more than five years is categorized as Culturable Wasteland. Some of them are as follows: Afforestation. Made by – Aunj Raut Krishna Sashank LAND DEGREDATION 2. Read about the various soil conservation methods that are used to control the degradation of soil such as crop rotation, afforestation, terrace farming etc. LDN is defined as “a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems” (UNCCD, 2016). Problems of Indian soils: In this article, You will read Soil Erosion, Land Degradation, and Soil Conservation for UPSC (Biogeography). Soil erosion and land degradation together, constitute one of the major problems that disturb the ecological balance of the world. Environmental Pollution And Degradation Essay for UPSC IAS IPS. Be the first to comment Leave a Reply Cancel reply. 96.4 million hectares. Planting of shelter belts of plants. Some of them are as follows: Afforestation. Download Free upsc february 2021 monthly magazine in hindi and english. What is Global Environmental Facility (GEF)? The land owned by the village panchayat comes under ‘Common Property Resources’. Land Degradation.
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