THE CHARGES 1. In the Lubanga case, 4 victims were accepted to participate in the confirmation of charges hearing in November 2006. It is also worth noting that the Chamber granted these victims protective measures because of their vulnerability and their necessity to remain anonymous continued because they resided in areas near or in the conflict. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Trial Chamber I) Clarification and further guidance to parties and participants in relation to the “Decision giving notice to the parties and participants that the legal characterisation of the facts may be subject to change in accordance with Regulation 55(2) of the Regulations of the Court” (27 August, 2009, pp. Judge Odio-Benito’s concern appears to stem notably from the failure of the prosecution to charge Lubanga for the sexual crimes committed against some of the child-soldiers. Confirmation of Charges : January 29, 2007 ; Press release. As a result of the omission of the earlier draft of then Article 28 … 24 Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Prosecution and Defence applications for leave to appeal the Decision on the confirmation of charges, ICC-01/04-01/06-915, 24 May 2007, para 44. 37,992 words in the text and 18,312 in the footnotes. Elements . In the trial Judgment, the majority of Trial Chamber I found that it was precluded from considering this evidence, pursuant to Article 74(2),[v] because 10 February 2006: A sealed warrant for Lubanga's arrest is issued by the ICC's Pre-Trial Chamber I. BACKGROUND ON THE LUBANGA AND KATANGADECISIONS On January 29, 2007, Pre-Trial Chamber I (PTC I) of the ICC rendered its decision confirming the charges against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo.7 According to the Prosecution, Lubanga was the leader of the Union des Patriots Congolais (UPC)—later renamed Union des Patriots Congolais/Réconciliation The first trial date in the case was set for 31 March 2008. He was transferred to the Hague on … Lubanga, Decision on the Confirmation of the Charge s, Case No. The closing oral statements took place on 25 and 26 August 2011. 2 Up to the point of conviction, Lubanga was … The Pre-Trial Chamber confirmed that there was sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that: Thomas Lubanga Dyilo is responsible, as co-perpetrator, for the charges of enlisting and conscripting children under the age of fifteen years into the FPLC and using them to … Lubanga was also involved in making decisions involving recruitment policy and along with co-perpetrators, participated in establishing a common plan to build an army for the purpose of gaining and maintaining political and military control over Ituri. Decision Date . The adoption of an approach to the distinction between principals and accessories to the crime based on the notion of control of the crime, as … 109-130. [ii] If we look into the work of the ICC during these 10 long years it has delivered only a single judgement with much fanfare on the situation relating to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the case of Ambos, supra note 70, 740-2 (arguing that the PTC’s broad interpretation conflicts with the nullum crimen principle, especially the rule against analogy). On May 30, 2012, the Appeals Chamber (Chamber) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) voted unanimously to dismiss the appeal of the Prosecution against the decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber not to confirm the charges against the alleged Congolese warlord Callixte Mbarushimana. Case Name . 2. The right to notice is a fundamental principle of … Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision on Sentence pursuant to Article 76 of the Statute, Trial Chamber I, ICC-01/04-01/06, 10 July 2012. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, ICC601/04601/06, Pre-Trial Chamber I, Decision on Confirmation of Charges, 29 January 2007, available at, Footnotes omitted] PRE-TRIAL CHAMBER I. Lubanga, Decision on the Confirmation of the Charge s, Case No. ), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals, Volume 39 (2014). Francis Kirimi Muthaura, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Mohammed Hussein Ali, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/09-02/11-382-Red, P.-T.Ch. The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo .....19 C. The Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui ... decision on whether to confirm the charges being more than seven months and the longest period being more than two and a half years. ... evidence already in the record, the victims’ representatives argued, the charges against Lubanga should be supplemented to include inhuman/cruel treatment and sexual slavery.15 3. Confirmation of charges hearing against Thomas Lubanga: 29 January 2007: Decision to confirm charges against Thomas Lubanga: 26 January 2009: Opening of the Thomas Lubanga trial: 14 March 2012: Verdict delivered in the Thomas Lubanga case: The Court is continuing its investigations and trials for international crimes committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo since the 1st July 2002. This judgment not only reaffirms the gravity of those crimes, but also demonstrates a real determination to fight impunity and sends a strong message to potential perpetrators. Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, ICC-01/04-01/06-926, Appeals Chamber, Decision on the Admissibility of the Appeal of Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I Entitled ‘Décision sur la confirmation des charges of 29 January 2007, 13 June Lubanga Dyilo was already in a Kinshasa prison when the warrant was issued in connection with the killing of nine Bangladeshi peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thus, “clear and unambiguous” charges are a predicate for the PTC’s confirmation of charges decision. Badar, M 2010, Some Reflections on Article 30 of the Rome Statute in Light of the Lubanga & Katanga Decisions on the Confirmation of Charges. ICC-01/04-01/06. If all or some of the charges - enlisting and … ICC, Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, "Decision Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute on the Charges of the Prosecutor Against Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo", ICC-01/05-01/08-424, 15 June 2009, para. at 1 734. 4 … Second, these standards have been applied in a totally … 2 2 . In favour of an (overly) broad interpretation of ‘national armed forces’ (unconcerned with the nullum crimen principle) ‘as encompassing any type of armed group or force’ Odio Benito Dissent, … ICC-01/04-01/06, Decision on Confirmation Charges,) para. Posted on June 12, 2014 by Peter Dixon. On the ground in Eastern DRC is a feeling of relief but also of concern about the lack of charges other than child recruitment in hostilities. ... Decision on the confirmation of charges. 140 Decision on Confirmation of charges, Lubanga, para. Charges Mr Lubanga is allegedly responsible, as co-perpetrator, of war crimes consisting of: • Enlisting and … INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established on 17 July 1998 by a multilateral treaty signed in Rome by 120 States.1 The ICC Statute entered into … 1 Trial Chamber I is composed of Presiding Judge Sir Adrian Fulford, Judge Elizabeth Odio-Benito and Judge Renée Blattmann. in C Burchard, O Triffterer & J Vogel (eds), The Review Conference and the Future of the International Criminal Court. The decision showcases a departure from well-established jurisprudence and … Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, No. Start of Trial : January 26, 2009 ; … This has been a contentious issue throughout the trial. English Abstract: The decision on the confirmation of the charges in the Lubanga case is the first decision of a substantive nature issued by the International Criminal Court. Lubanga case decision of the appeals chamber. Criminal Court, , A. ICC-01/04-01/06-803, 29 January 2007. The Ntaganda confirmation of charges decision: A victory for gender justice? ... of the Appeals Chamber’ determining that it was necessary to determine whether the Appellant’s appeal against the confirmation of charges decision was admissible under Article 82(1) (b) of the Statute. Prosecutor v. Date: 29 January 2007 […] SITUATION IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO IN THE CASE OF THE PROSECUTOR v. THOMAS LUBANGA DYILO […] DECISION ON … Pre-Trial Chamber I issued a sealed arrest warrant for Lubanga on February 10, 2006, which was unsealed on March 18, 2006. In the … The Confirmation of Charges Process at the International Criminal Court. Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision on the Application of victims to participate in the proceedings, 15 December 2008. … But in the Ongwen case the Prosecutor’s charges and the confirmed charges are replete with defects. Prosecutor (on the application of Victim a/0001/06 and ors) v Lubanga Dyilo (Thomas), Confirmation of charges, Case No ICC-01/04-01/06-803, ICL 892 (ICC 2007), 29th January 2007, International Criminal Court [ICC]; Pre Trial Chamber I [ICC] ... Case No ICC-01/04-01/06-803 (Official Case No) ICL 892 (ICC 2007) (OUP reference) Content type: International court decisions Product: Oxford Reports on … Whether Pre-Trial Chamber III of the ICC, in its coming decision on the confirmation of charges in the Bemba case (June 2009), will adhere to the interpretation given to Article 30 by the PTC I in the Lubanga case or will it rule out the notion of dolus eventualis from the ambit of Article 30 is still to be seen. As noted above, Lubanga was tried for and convicted on the limited charges of enlistment, conscription and use of child soldiers, and was not charged with rape or sexual violence. Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo in the Case of Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Decision on the Confirmation of Charges) ICC-01/04-01/06-803 29 January 2007 (ICC Pre Trial Chamber I) (Lubanga Confirmation of Charges). 5 Prosecutor v. Brima, Kamara, Kanu (AFRC Accused), Case No. 161. Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Warrant of Arrest, ICC-01/04-01/06, 10 February 2006. On 3 September, 2008, Trial Chamber I Lubanga, Case No. On 29 January 2007, Pre-Trial Chamber I rendered the Confirmation of Charges Decision in which it confirmed the three charges brought by the Prosecutor against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo for the period from September 2002, when the Forces Patriotiques pour la Libration du Congo (FPLC) was founded (the military wing of the UPC), to 13 August 2003, when Thomas Lubanga Dyilo was … International Criminal Court, Pre-trial Chamber I, January 29, 2007. the Lubanga Decision on the Confirmation of Charges. Lubanga (ICC), Decision on the Prosecution and Defence Applications for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, ICC-01/04-01/06-915, 24 May 2007, para. During the trial proceedings, however, Prosecution witnesses gave extensive testimony concerning sexual violence committed against child soldiers by the UPC. 3 E.g., Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, ICC-01/04-01/06, Pre-Trial Chamber I, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 29 January 2007 (‘ Lubanga Decision’); Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, ICC-01/04-01/07, Pre-Trial Chamber I, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 30 September 2008 (‘ Katanga Decision’); Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre … This landmark ruling, together with the recent judgments in the Lubanga and Ngudjolo cases and the decision not … 10 Prosecutor v. ... the charges against Lubanga should be supplemented to include inhuman/cruel treatment and sexual slavery.15 3. Lubanga Decision on the confirmation of charges, supra note 1, paras. ICC-01/04-01/06, 29 January 2007. 100 (Jan. 29, 2007). Luc Walleyn: After the appeal decision there was a new discussion on the consequences of this appeal decision and on Friday (January 8, 2010), a final decision was pronounced by the trial chamber saying that there were no sufficient elements in the decision on the confirmation of charges making it possible to change qualifications. The trial was postponed and scheduled to start on 23 June. On 29 January 2007, Pre-Trial Chamber I issued its Decision on the Confirmation of Charges. Decision sur la confirmation des charges. 7 Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Case No. 4.8 Lubanga confirmation decision 42 4.9 Conclusion 47 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 50 LIST OF REFERENCES 55 . THE PROSECUTOR v. THOMAS LUBANGA DYILO Public Redacted Version with Annex I Decision on the confirmation of charges The Office of the Prosecutor Mr Luis Moreno Ocampo Ms Fatou Bensouda Mr Ekkehard Withopf Legal Representatives of Victims a/0001/06 to a/0003/06 and a/0105/06 Mr Luc Walleyn Mr Franck Mulenda Ms Carine Bapita Buyangandu Yesterday the Appeals Chamber (AC) of the International Criminal Court (ICC) delivered its judgment on the appeals against the Trial Chamber (TC)’s Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be applied to Reparations (decision on reparations) in the case against Thomas Lubanga. The Decision of the Trial Chamber Under Regulation 55(1) of the Regulations of the Court, a chamber: In its decision under article 74, may change the legal … Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo in the Case of Prosecutor v. In the Pre-Trial transcript, the Court Officer read the charges by the Prosecution, none of which … Furthermore, the delay a suspect faces to actually get to trial does not end once the decision confirming charges is issued, as both the Defense and the … Prosecutor v. Mathieu Ngudjolo ChuiJugement rendu en application de l'article 74 du ... Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, Pre-Trial Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06, 29 January 2007, para. • "Commentary: Six ICC Decisions on Disclosure … 275-85; crit. Lubanga (Judgment) Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Judgment pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute) ICC-01/04-01/06-2842, Trial Chamber I (5 April 2012) decisions under article 82 (1) (b) of the Statute.15 7. 4 For a … ... First, it seems that the Confirmation of Charges Hearing is crucial in order for the Prosecution to lay the groundwork for aggravating factors. Ct., Pre-trial … The written decision, staying the … ICC-01/04-01/06, Decision on Confirmation Charges, para. ^top Footnotes. This paper examines the different degrees of intentionality under Article 30 of the ICC Statute and whether … [4] This analysis also foreshadowed what was to happen during sentencing. 1 It confirmed that there was sufficient evidence to establish substantial grounds to believe that: 363, 364. As for to the subjective element of the crimes of sexual slavery and rape the PTC I found that ‘both crimes include, first and foremost, dolus directus of the first degree. in the Lubanga Decision on Confirmation of Charges, 6 JICJ 471 (2008) at 482. The post-election violence that occurred in Kenya in 2007 and 2008 has been the subject of investigation before the International Criminal Court and litigation against Kenyan officials before domestic courts. The Decision of the Trial Chamber Under Regulation 55(1) of the Regulations of the Court, a chamber: In its decision … Lubanga; Decision on the admissibility of the appeal of Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I entitled “Décision sur la confirmation des charges” of 29 January 2007, Prosecutor v. Lubanga" in André Klip and Steven Freeland (eds. However, a strong dissent was issued by Judge Anita Ušacka, who stated that she would have reversed the conviction and acquitted Mr. Lubanga, vacating his sentence.More Current Trends in the Definition of ‘Perpetrator’ by the International Criminal Court: From the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges in the Lubanga case to the Katanga judgment June 2015 The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Leader of the Union des Patriotes Congolais (Union of Congolese Patriots, UPC) On January 29, 2007, in Prosecutor v. Lubanga Dyilo, Pre-trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) confirmed war crimes charges against Lubanga for conscripting, enlisting, and using children under the age of fifteen in a rebel force … The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo .....19 C. The Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui ... decision on whether to confirm the charges being more than seven months and the longest period being more than two and a half years. Lubanga Dyilo (Lubanga case), issues the following Judgment pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute: I. 21. This verdict is a … Tribunal . During a hearing on 11 June 2008, the Trial Chamber indicated that the trial would not start on 23 June as anticipated but declined to give reasons. DECISION ON CONFIRMATION OF CHARGES [...] PRE-TRIAL CHAMBER I of the International Criminal Court (“the Chamber” and “the Court” respectively), having held the confirmation hearing in the case of The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, HEREBY RENDERS THE FOLLOWING DECISION. These judgments bring to a final close the first trial of the Court, nearly 9 years after Lubanga was transferred to the Court and nearly 3 years after the Trial Judgment. He also blogs at Spreading the Jam where he has already commented on several aspects of the Lubanga Judgment.] 370. Lubanga. On 29 January 2007, Pre-Trial Chamber I rendered the Confirmation of Charges Decision in which it confirmed the three charges brought by the Prosecutor against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo for the period from September 2002, when the Forces Patriotiques pour la Libration du Congo (FPLC) was founded (the military wing of the UPC), to 13 August 2003, when Thomas Lubanga Dyilo … The Lubanga Appeals Chamber decision, which the PTC relies on in this case, has held that "it is this very agreement ... the PTC’s findings on co-perpetration responsibility and alternative charging in the Yekatom and Ngaïssona’s confirmation of charges decision do not provide any clarity to any of the concerned parties. [Dov Jacobs is an Assistant Professor of International Law at Leiden University. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 29 January 2007, (“Lubanga Confirmation Decision”), paras 1,15. 331-332. Lubanga, Decision on the confirmation of charges, Case. 16 Prosecutor v Francis Kirimi Muthaura and Uhuru Kenyatta, ICC-01/09/11, Prosecutions Submissions on the Law of Indirect co-perpetration under Article 25(3)(a) of the Statute and application for notice to be given under Regulation 55(2) with respect to the individual’s individual criminal responsibility, 3July 2012 at 3. The Defense argued that by confirming the charges against Lubanga, the January 29 decision has the effect of denying his release and may therefore be appealed. Decision on the confirmation of charges. Key Facts . 534, 538. Abstract. 6 Id. However in that case (Lubanga), the majority of the Trial Chamber declined to determine whether these charges included the sexual abuse of the child soldiers by their commanders, as the then-Prosecutor had not raised this issue at the confirmation of charges stage. In May 2009, victims’ representatives … 3. How the Court interprets these factors will be largely determined by ICC decisions. Its importance on the development of international criminal law is evident. On January 29, 2007, the International Criminal Court (ICC) Pretrial Chamber I (Chamber) issued its confirmation of charges decision in the case of Prosecutor v.Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, clearing the way for the ICC's first trial. ... Victims‟ lawyers filed submissions in the appeal opposing the release, raising concerns that the decision to release Lubanga does not specify whether he would be returned to Congolese authorities or retained at the Court‟s disposal, leaving open the possibility that he may escape or return to Ituri to commit more … At this juncture, the Lubanga judgment offers potential guidance. Filed during the Pre-trial phase Following the confirmation of the charges, the case was transferred to Trial Chamber I. 9-28 November 2006: A three-week confirmation of charges hearing is held in November. Lubanga Dyilo, Case No. Charges. Four victims participate in the proceedings and are allowed to present their views and concerns via their lawyers. Prosecution charges Thomas Lubanga Dyilo under articles 8(2)(e)(vii) and 25(3)(a) of 415, found that ‘Muthaura and Mr. Kenyatta knew that rape was a virtually certain consequence of the implementation of the common plan’, thereby labelling … Having finally read the Confirmation Decision (which, so far, is available only in French here), ... disclosure process is responsible for a large part of the eight month delay between the first appearance of Thomas Lubanga and the beginning of the Confirmation Hearing - and this in a trial concerning charges which are rather uncomplicated both legally and as regards the evidence …
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