2) Motivation becomes inspiration. The reasons why the process of spiritual awakening can be painful. Even though it’s presented as a good achievement and a goal to chase, enlightenment brings a lot of suffering . Spiritual awakening is a deal you enter into without the promise of a pay-off. Spiritual Awakening and Pain: The Torment of Internal Resistance ... With that said--and a firm encouragement to seek out help if things ever get too painful--there is the reality that you may feel discomfort to intense pain during a shift from the unconscious to a more conscious state of awareness. On the spiritual journey, there is often change, and that means loss of what once was and the corresponding emotional upheaval. Don’t forget to share your thoughts about this article in the comments. I was exhausted, emotional, overwhelmed and painfully sensitive and my body was breaking down too. To put it simply, when you have a strong desire to get in alignment with a desire to come into harmony with the Universe and your Soul. According to “Spiritual Awakening and Pain: The Torment of Internal Resistance,” one of the main reasons a spiritual awakening is so painful is because of the stripping of the ego. Often people who experience spiritual awakening feel as though their entire lives have been turned upside down and inside out. Increased spiritual perception, awakened psychic and spiritual abilities, awakened compassion for humanity, the Earth and all beings, and a greater alignment with Divine synchronicity are all symptoms of ascension and spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakening is an awakening of a dimension of reality beyond the confines of the ego. Spiritual awakening is painful. Is spiritual awakening a painful process? The Spiritual Road Isn't As Cold As It May Seem. You’re peeling back layers that don’t serve. It involves becoming the new, improved version of one’s former self. Often people who experience spiritual awakening feel as though their entire lives have been turned upside down and inside out. The loss or crisis (think about something like burnout, divorce, loss of a job, death of a loved one, illness, trauma) can be either before the awakening to a spiritual dimension of reality or it can come after awakening (or both). This one can be especially traumatic for those people. One of the things that people don't expect during an awakening is the purification process. so you have to heal yourself. They didn't know how. You start questioning your reality and who you are. Spiritual Awakening Quotes. While the spiritual awakening process can feel painful and disturbing at first, it ultimately helps you to live a more meaningful life. 4. You can open your attention to these dimensions and experience them by shifting your focus to the Present Moment, to Now (more about this below), and letting go into it. Your behaviour changes suddenly. You start to desire more time alone. A spiritual awakening is often used in Western cultures in a religious context. If you are open to deal with the darkest parts within yourself, within humanity and you have the strength to be able to handle this kind of energy deep inside you. This is why our initial spiritual awakening is so painful—because we feel a growing need for spirituality without guidance for how to relate optimally to this new need. I experienced the starts of my spiritual awakening about3 years ago. Powerful surges of higher energies are channeled by the third eye. The fifth painful spiritual awakening symptom is confusion: the very opposite of clarity. Spiritual Awakening Quotes » In This Post, You Will Get To Read Awakening Quotes About Life, Spiritual Quotes, Emotional Awakening Quotes And Many More Related To Spiritual Awakening Quotes And Much More. Spiritual awakening is so painful because you are experiencing death while you are still alive. Spiritual awakenings mark the beginning of our spiritual paths. Awakening rips away your egoic thoughts/desires and throws away any sort of mask you tried to hide behind. Spiritual awakening is not the getting of pains. 4 years ago I went through a spiritual awakening that hit crisis level. Individuals across the planet are waking up and letting go of the mind’s grip upon illusion to experience a profound change in consciousness and an expanded perspective. Spiritual awakening marks the beginning of our spiritual path, it can be a shocking, painful, and extremely upsetting time of your life. Here are 5 common growing pains of spiritual ascension we all experience: 1) Losing friends. Does spiritual awakening have to be painful? That’s because every person’s journey to this place is unique, and how it’s reached and experienced is … This may be the closest way to describe the feeling so you can understand the depth of the experience. – Jane Roberts. The awakening process can be confusing and unnerving at times - especially when the body seems to be playing catch-up with what has been seen. It’s not an easy journey, and the effect it has on your relationships can at times be very painful. that is why healing is very important in the process.it is a everyday process. Experiencing a spiritual awakening sometimes hurts you and and can cause you a lot of excruciating pain, both mentally and physically. To make things worse, no one in the healing community could help me. Spiritual awakening is a real experience that happens to real people. It’s not true that you’ll immediately live from a higher place of consciousness, you will rather think that you’re going crazy. Removing Fear of Death. Spiritual awakening is a term for becoming aware of this unlimited Beingness, one with all, which we already ARE. Spiritual awakening is an awakening of a dimension of reality beyond the confines of the ego. It is a knowing beyond knowledge. The problem is that spiritual awakening can feel painful at times. You can join me on my Facebook page if you need my help. There's this very juvenile thought that spiritual awakening brings with it the end of all difficulty in life. So, think with the cold mind before starting your spiritual journey. I know how truly awful it can feel, and how urgently it needs to be soothed – so with that in mind, lets not waste any time. This condition can cause pain when you move. Spiritual Awakening and Pain: The Torment of Internal Resistance. “The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams.”. (See How To Be An Adult by David Richo for more instruction.) 2. Connecting with our higher selves and source. But keep in perspective that after a spiritual awakening, it’ll hurt much more to keep losing a piece of yourself to someone who doesn’t align with you anymore. a person who previously had little to no understanding or experience of a spiritual side to themselves starts to realise and feel more connected to the universe. If you are experiencing the above components, you are on the path toward spiritual awakening. i myself also consider healing as the first step. The Purpose of Anxiety During Spiritual Awakening (and how to ease it) For me, spiritual awakening anxiety was by far one of the worst symptoms. Chances are, if you are reading this article, the answer is “yes!” A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of their connection to the infinite, and becomes mindful of their spiritual nature. My spiritual awakening process. It’s an awakening of reality beyond our ego, where we realize that we are all One. Dreams Appear More Vivid: One of the first signs that you’re beginning your spiritual awakening is that your dream life will start to take on a life of its own. Becoming more spiritually connected can change a lot about you very quickly, and this can affect some of your closest friendships. It is a painful condition that affects the fluid-filled sacs. Put simply, a kundalini awakening is a form of energetic awakening that causes us to transform on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. It can be a wonderful and painful experience but it is all intended for us to become the best versions of ourselves. Examples can be depression, illness, economic crisis, near death experience, or the loss of a loved one. The main reason why painful events can trigger what many call a “spiritual awakening” is because a person is forced to let go of control. If you are experiencing the above components, you are on the path toward spiritual awakening. “The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams.”. If you’re going through a spiritual awakening, welcome to the growing club of expanding consciousness. The only way to achieve spiritual awakening is by letting go of whatever hurt you in the past so that you can be more receptive towards what’s coming. It’s a separation from what you’ve always known and can leave you feeling stranded and lonely because not everyone walks this path. The sensation that your life doesn’t make sense anymore is the product of having all of your former beliefs, desires, and paradigms challenged and often disproven. 1) Judgment and condemnation become allowance and compassion. One person at a time, humanity is now undergoing the spiritual awakening process. The sensation that your life doesn’t make sense anymore is the product of having all of your former beliefs, desires, and paradigms challenged, and often disproven. Spiritual awakening is any event that raises consciousness to a higher level. This is why our initial spiritual awakening is so painful—because we feel a growing need for spirituality without guidance for how to relate optimally to this new need. We should always be aware that, buried inside it, there is an opportunity for growth and transformation…Beneath the terrible, painful surface there is a massive reservoir of spiritual potential…Spiritual awakening exists as a potential inside everyone. We should admit that life is … You may have shed relationships that are no longer aligned to your energy as these people operate at a much lower frequency and often feel threatened and shut down. The truth is that spiritual awakening is not really some plateau, nor is it some certificate you get handed by a man in a shiny white robe. The barriers to spiritual awakening are very simple: fear, anger, guilt, and grief. The sensation that your life doesn’t make sense anymore is the product of having all of your former beliefs, desires, and paradigms challenged and often disproven. It requires stepping outside of yourself to see the bigger picture and that’s not always a pleasant experience when you’ve been wrapped up in yourself all your life. There are tons of reasons to hide. However, a spiritual awakening can happen spontaneously one day, when your soul is … 1. 3) A new understanding of pain and painful circumstances is adopted. Our spiritual awakening process is an experience of self growth and learning about ones origin and place in the world. When you "wake up" and become more conscious, there are common challenges. Often these health conditions are simply a guide post telling us to get back into alignment. It is not always in our interest to diagnose people but the term narcissistic abuse is something a lot of us have had to learn about. I did this specifically to help people in preparation for an awakening. 19 Major Signs you’re going through a Deep Spiritual Awakening; 1. What Spiritual Awakening Is Like. Nonetheless, it is a beautiful experience that paves the way towards nirvana. There is nothing harder than delving into your pain, heartbreak or trauma and given the choice, most of us would much rather not face it. Most of the answers to this question seems to be different from what I would think. This can manifest as physical pain. On the contrary, it’s the cleansing of whole life, misery, and pains. More and more teenagers are awakening, in fact it is not uncommon to […] A wise teacher, Barry (Bears) Kaufman, once said that all fear is really a fear of death. Awakening State is an independently owned online magazine that seeks to bring together like-minded individuals focused on expanding their consciousness and personal growth. Kundalini itself is a Sanskrit word that means “she who is coiled” – it refers to primordial life force energy contained at the base of the spine that is often depicted as a snake. Pain is one of them. Your Spiritual awakening can be painful emotionally, because you shed away many of the constructs, shadows, beliefs, patterns, both inner and outer, that have surrounded you. Dreams Appear More Vivid: One of the first signs that you’re beginning your spiritual awakening is that your dream life … While the spiritual awakening process can feel painful and disturbing at first, it ultimately helps you to live a more meaningful life. The spiritual awakening process is often triggered by a dramatic event that has a profound effect on you as a person. During that time, I was deeply set in the lessons as well as cultish teachings of the fundamentalist Christian church I was born into. Spiritual Awakening and Pain: The Torment of Internal Resistance. One of the most common experiences after a spiritual awakening is the arising of pain and discomfort. There's this very juvenile thought that spiritual awakening brings with it the end of all difficulty in life. Not only are you going through the physical changes of puberty, but having the added spiritual changes can also be nothing short of overwhelming. If you are open to deal with the darkest parts of yourself, within humanity and you have the strength to be able to handle this kind of energy deep inside you. Spiritual Awakening: Embracing This Difficult Path June 24, 2015 In an effort to more accurately express all that awakening encompasses, this post has been altered from its original version, and I imagine it could be altered many more times as I further understand all the complexity that is involved when one experiences this dramatic shift. The more you journey into the spiritual the darker it can get- Once you begin your spiritual path you must understand that at first it will be weird and confusing. These spiritual awakening quotes will inspire self-improvement and long-term positive change. It’s painful looking back and realizing you aren’t the same person you were before you had awoken. As spirits, we are eternal in nature. Welcome Home. However, for the Buddhist, it represents specific terms and concepts that point to a more important point within yourself. Spiritual awakening can be painful emotionally, because we shed away many of the constructs, beliefs, patterns – inner and outer – that we had surrounded ourselves with, and accumulated over the course of many lifetimes. Your emotions will be all over the place, your energy will … While the spiritual awakening process can feel painful and disturbing at first, it ultimately helps you to live a more meaningful life. The sensation that your life doesn’t make sense anymore is the product of having all of your former beliefs, desires, and paradigms challenged and often disproven. It's like a right of passage to face these 4 painful side effects of being a conscious human being. The spiritual awakening process is a relentless undoing of the ego and this includes periods where you feel alone and disconnected from the rest of the world.
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