Portfolio and Sample Artifacts ... using scientific methods to expand the teacher's science knowledge and ability to generate further knowledge while at the same time understand different perspectives of science and maintain positive attitudes towards science. Portfolio Artifact Suggestions This is a living document and will be updated periodically. LaShon Brown. There must be documented evidence or an artifact for a teacher to be ranked Exemplary on a teaching standard. Suggestions of appropriate activities/artifacts to complete your practicum/internship are grouped by the ISLLC Standards/MOLead Standards. 1. DOMAIN 1: Planning and Preparation • Lesson and/or unit plans • Do Now activities Is how the assignment looks in its final form (e.g. Cultural artifacts can create this same engagement in various levels, even in a school that might have limited funding or materials. recommendations and strategies for teaching well online. Venus/Student Teaching/Portfolio artifacts 8-25-05 Practicum/Internship Activities/Portfolio Artifacts . To truly embrace digital age learning, teachers must relinquish some of their control and allow creativity and exploration. Principal Standard 1: Continuous Improvement Artifacts and Evidence 1.1 Facilitate the articulation and realization of a shared vision of continuous improvement. Component 1C states that teaching must be intentional and purposeful, and some of the most creative ideas can be aimed at a specific subject. suggestions at right are examples; principals may use other effective pieces of evidence to support their work. Every student teacher has to create one, and continually update it throughout their career. improvement How do you, as principal, promulgate a shared vision The presentation should be given to the teacher they observed, the ELO supervisor and any other available teachers or administrators. marzano’s teacher evaluation model domain 4 – a wmec. 3. Teacher's process for recording student work completion is efficient and effective; students have access to information about completed and or missing assignments. A simple way to do this in an online course is to include a section of the course that references real-life examples. Examples of The 10 InTASC Standards and Artifacts - Kinsey Margaret Campbell. a. Digital Artifacts for Creative Communications. Missing examples of student centered lessons as artifacts . Depending on the artifacts used to teach this lesson the content standards will vary, but it can be applied to any time period. Teaching Schools; Career Planning ... economic or religious organization of the people whom they belonged to can be considered cultural artifacts. Teacher has an efficient and effective process for recording student attainment of learning goals; student able to see how they're progressing. that supports the district’s vision, mission and goals. Principal Standard 1: Continuous Improvement Artifacts and Evidence 1.1 Facilitate the articulation and realization of a shared vision of continuous improvement. Demonstrations will feature the Smithsonian National Museum of American History’s exhibitions and vast collection of historical artifacts and will offer ideas and resources to help teachers everywhere incorporate object- and inquiry-based teaching techniques and Smithsonian online resources into their own classrooms. InTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge. Teacher can provide records to support claims about student progress : Students can easily … Four … To further this commitment, we have formed a … *is organized and useful in a job interview or annual review. The purpose of this page is to illustrate some of the various teaching artifacts I have acquired throughout the PTP experience. “I have a ton of homework.”. I suggest including photos of you actually teaching lessons or working with students. This allowed me to find specific things with great ease. Some suggestions for personal artifacts are: published documents-an official document about you, i.e., driver's license, birth certificate, teaching credential, passport; unpublished documents-a letter written to you, diary, journal; oral traditions/histories-a family story, and Teacher standard 5. Teaching portfolios should include a teaching philosophy and a set of artifacts that provide evidence for your claims. Teaching Artifacts. Artifacts are a form of evidence that educators can use to tell the story of their classrooms and showcase their instructional practices. InTASC Standard 6: Assessment. Please ask for permission if you would like to use any of my materials. charlotte danielson 4f examples celebsdatingcelebs com. Each of these examples is a winner of the Gold Teaching Portfolio Award, even though some of them are vastly different from the others. Artifacts: Examples . AR Teacher Excellence Support System EXAMPLES of ARTIFACTS Note: This is a brainstormed list of possible artifacts. Using Artifacts. Teacher probes to seek clarification, i.e. Teaching History With Real Artifacts: Six Strategies EducationWorld is committed to bringing educators the practical tools they need to make good decisions, engage in effective leadership and implement strategies that work. Using Artifacts & Models in the Classroom. Here you will find a variety of ePortfolios that include thoughtful reflections and relevant artifacts that showcase student learning to … 20 Examples Of Project-Based Learning For A Modern World. In this paper we report a study concerning examples as mediating artifacts in conjecturing. Include a variety of activities and artifacts (see accompanying list). Display the artifacts and their accompanying descriptions in a “museum” format. Demonstrate and encourage ways to make connections between observations and their potential meaning as needed. An artifact is anything that can provide evidence of your education and experiences. Cluster Leader: Sally Labadie. Good examples abound: the Field Museum in Chicago, which houses the original private collection of Marshall Field, and the wonderful collection of pre-Columbian gold and jade objects that was purchased by Ray Diekemper and given to the Texas Tech Museum over the objections of the curator. Implementing the Teaching for Transformation design framework is a formational journey for you and for your staff. Though this letter may be a first step to collaborating, there are multiple ways a team within the school, work together. It gives you some indications on ways to improve. Domain #1 – Planning and Preparation Framework Guidelines Artifacts/Actions to Illustrate Proficiency 1a – Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy Content knowledge Prerequisite relationships This is an important way of determining if we are readyto support our ELL students. Collecting Artifacts Students may be unfamiliar with the term “artifact” and may be unsure of what they should or could collect to include in a portfolio. Teaching Artifacts Homework. To be considered an artifact, an object needs to be lasting, durable, public, and materially present. Next, ask students to make interpretations or analyses about the artifact based on their observations. Artifacts: Examples The sample artifacts and evidence below are illustrative in nature and do not represent a comprehensive list. Demonstrates a commitment to . A great Teaching Portfolio: *showcases you and your teaching philosophy. Standard 1: Demonstrates the ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district's student achievement goals. Teaching with Artifacts: Using Material Culture to Teach about Native Americans November 2, 2013 Boston Children’s Museum 2. There is nothing that will tell more about what you have learned than examples of how you have applied it. ... classic examples of literacy artifacts include books and magazines. The following items are examples of artifacts you may choose to include in your portfolio: 5 updated 8/3/07 Background Information Presentations and Best Papers Teaching Artifacts and Reflections ( with commentary) Professional Documents Resume www Homepage Background When is a teacher required to provide evidence or an artifact to support their ratings? Our hope is that this guide will help educators apply the common language of the FFT to our current context - to see the connection between the components of effective instruction and remote learning. Here are 9+ useful online portfolio examples for students, teachers, and professionals. See more ideas about teaching, artifacts, social studies. Digital Artifacts for Creative Communications. The Example Artifact List is designed to support educators in the process of gathering artifacts, while strengthening inclusive practices. Teachers seeking to cross the threshold are assessed by their head teacher. Teaching Portfolio to Show a Reflection of Your Skills, Accomplishments, and Passion. Artifacts are a critical aspect of your learning portfolio. Learning artifacts, sometimes called learning objects, are anything that your students produce that will allow you to judge how well they’ve learned the material. Used regularly, they can also help you identify where students are struggling and some of their misconceptions on the subject. The goal... 4b-Example Artifacts/Elements Teacher has a system for recording formal and informal assessment results : Teacher uses IC grade book and keeps records up to date . Student Art Examples. When submitting artifacts online, teachers and evaluators will provide a rationale for what evidence of professional growth the artifact provides. Whether you just finished college or are a seasoned veteran in the education field, learning how to perfect your teaching portfolio will help you advance in your career. 1a – Demonstrating knowledge of content Artifacts: Examples Domain #1 – Planning and Preparation Performance Based Evaluation portfolio. Here are variations of some popular hyperbolic speech your kids have probably heard before. So now you can document those examples by providing some actual artifacts of your teaching. It is used to explore what is taught and how. Empower educators in the coaching process by engaging in two-way conversations based on evidence from their teaching. –Documenting Artifacts •References and Examples •Question and Answer Session •Make It and Take It Session . The PowerPoint Homework was developed to address commonalities seen in grading among the majority of the students in the course.Because many students were losing points in the same area the PowerPoint was a helpful artifact with the purpose of: detailing the expectations, relating assignment to course objectives, and clarifying each question on future … Artifacts do not match CEC standard they are submitted for. suggestions at right are examples; principals may use other effective pieces of evidence to support their work. For instance, you may want to include the syllabus of a course you designed, or a sample assignment, or perhaps an online module you created. - Content - Artifacts or assignments must be Competency/Standards Based. Assess the student based on their ability to answer questions about content, or address standards or competencies. - Creativity - Creativity is artful design without too much emphasis on the bells and whistles. Creativity shouldn't overshadow Content. Personal Artifacts. Proficient. The following artifacts provide insight into my teaching methods, strategies, and goals for the course MA 407 - Modern Abstract Algebra. The workshop was a series of hands-on The teaching portfolio is an ever-evolving showcase that can open doors to a great teaching career. Standard #1 - Artifacts that show differentiation - Artifacts of student interests and backgrounds, learning style, outside of school commitments (work, family responsibilities, etc.) Please make sure you have a copy of the Master Teacher Scoring … (No resume’ at Sr. Synthesis) QUALITY and 1. Kelly McLaughlin , EdReflect Advisor. Learning with Artifacts. - Artifacts that show differentiation - Artifacts of student interests and backgrounds, learning style, outside of school commitments (work, family responsibilities, etc.) This is the means through which educators can act in students’ best interests. These, if you have them, can be very powerful. Maintaining Accurate Records. Domain #1 – Planning and Preparation Framework Guidelines Artifacts/Actions to Illustrate Proficiency 1a – Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy Content knowledge Prerequisite relationships artifacts and adding evidence snapshot. This will likely be primarily coursework, including tests, essays, projects, presentations, or anything else assigned to you in class. We used activity theory as an analytical framework to analyze students’ behavior and the process of conjecturing. This Library of Examples is a collection of actual written responses submitted by GACE ® Teacher Leadership candidates. Artifact Description: Teacher Work Sample Iowa Teaching Standard 3: Criteria c -Uses student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction. Artifacts of student work. One size definitely does not fit all in a digital age classroom. Examples: Copies of lesson plan: Pre-Post Tests: Copies of hand-outs: Student work/portfolio: Video used, CD's: Notes on lesson plans: Curriculum Maps/Tech Paths: Professional development: Multiple assessments: Log of Heartland AEA involvement: Pictures of students: Pictures of students and work: Assessment of individual lesson progress: Mentoring: Teacher generated materials Some examples (remember that everything you choose should have comments regarding the impact of student learning) There are two samples for each criterion. Artifacts: Examples The sample artifacts and evidence below are illustrative in nature and do not represent a comprehensive list. For example, including only syllabi will not provide your audience with … Teaching Artifacts Introduction Via this page you can view examples and evidence of instructional and assessment strategies that I have used in the classroom including standards based lesson plans, worksheets, and student work samples. The sample artifacts and evidence below are illustrative in nature and do not represent a comprehensive list. There are two samples for each criterion. The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) hosted a workshop Beyond Artifacts: Teaching Archaeology in the Classroom on Thursday, May 10, 2007 at the South Florida Community College Avon Park Campus in conjunction with the 59th Florida Anthropological Society (FAS) Annual Meeting. A great Teaching Portfolio: *showcases you and your teaching philosophy. An artifact is anything that can provide evidence of your education and experiences. Teachers should use artifacts that are reflective of their own work. We drew some general principles of learning from these examples and stressed that the findings consistently point to the strong effect of knowledge structures on learning. Implementing the Teaching for Transformation design framework is a formational journey for you and for your staff. Examples of learning artifacts. InTASC Standards and Artifacts. Cultural artifacts can be used in any lesson activity, pre or post assessment, to further develop an idea or topic, to make real life connections to a lesson topic, or even to engage students in a lively discussion or small group activity. I would be truly honored if the authors of these portfolios placed this badge on their websites. ... Below are a few examples of how my classroom's environment was the "third teacher." For example, including both artifacts and commentaries: Artifacts represent authentic work completed by you and the children. Artifacts (unit plans, student work samples) are essential ingredients in a teaching portfolio, but they must be framed with explanations. Learning artifact (education) In educational psychology , a learning artifact (or educational artifact) is an object created by students during the course of instruction. Each entry will also contain a reflection/discussion section (a maximum of 400 words). TeachForward provides software tools to gather and analyze teaching artifacts to provide feedback. a Paper, a Project, a Film, a major test, etc.) Things such as shelters, firepits, etc. Iowa Teaching Standard 1: Criteria d. -Accepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports the learning of every student. Email: Kim.Wright@ade.arkansas.gov. Students - Using Artifacts "Artifacts", or examples of your learning, are the main components of your learning portfolio. ePortfolio Examples Welcome to the Auburn University ePortfolio Examples page. Teaching children to appreciate print is an important early learning skill. It helps to evaluate our schools and their readiness to support ELLs. A teaching portfolio is an essential item for all educators. As a teacher, you can make any topic engaging. One size definitely does not fit all in a digital age classroom. See more ideas about classroom, classroom anchor charts, kindergarten anchor charts. The PowerPoint Homework was developed to address commonalities seen in grading among the majority of the students in the course.Because many students were losing points in the same area the PowerPoint was a helpful artifact with the purpose of: detailing the expectations, relating assignment to course objectives, and clarifying each question on future … This is not a complete list but some suggestions. Coordinate with the South Carolina State Museum or a local cultural institution to design an artifact-based lesson that fits the historical period you are teaching. This Google Doc provides examples of HyFlex lesson plans structures for varying class times, including 50 and 70 minutes, as well as smaller synchronous sessions. University Center for Teaching, provides examples and tips for promoting active learning in a blended classroom. Teaching portfolio (should include but not limited to sample syllabi from two or more courses, sample assignments, sample grading rubrics, evidence of teaching effectiveness e.g., student evaluations, a list of courses taught previously, a list of courses that could be taught, and any other artifacts of teaching … ... classic examples of literacy artifacts include books and magazines. Teaching with artifacts power point 1. Danielson’s Framework for Teaching ‐ Professional Artifact Collection Examples The following are examples of some types of possible artifacts and are included here for illustrative purposes only. Course Syllabus: The first semester I was a course instructor, I compiled many other examples of syllabi to form my own.… We will continue to share these resources and align them to the components of the FFT. Sometimes the best way to understand figurative speech is to see examples of it. In 13 Brilliant Outcomes Of Project-Based Learning, we gave a quick example of project-based learning to illustrate the relationship between learning objectives and the products and artifacts produced by project-based learning. Suggestions of appropriate activities/artifacts to complete your practicum/internship are grouped by the ISLLC Standards/MOLead Standards. Exploring with you how TfT aligns with your school’s mission and vision for Christian education. My teaching artifacts: 21st century skills Throughout the course of TE 206, I have truly learned what skills in the 21st century are. An artifact can be, but is not limited to, a program, image, audio, video, presentation, or web page file. Arkansas Department of Education. Instructor: Shannon Orr. Teaching Artifacts From yourself Course materials (syllabi, handouts, copies of PowerPoints, etc.) Artifact Examples Below are examples of a range of possible artifacts you could include in your ePortfolio. The following items are examples of artifacts you may choose to include in your portfolio: 5 updated 8/3/07 Background Information Presentations and Best Papers Teaching Artifacts and Reflections ( with commentary) Professional Documents Resume www Homepage Background Artifacts are a critical aspect of your learning portfolio. In viewing the following examples of portions of portfolios please keep in mind that these are samples of what a teacher might include as part of a complete entry. Course Syllabus: The first semester I was a course instructor, I compiled many other examples of syllabi to form my own.… *is organized and useful in a job interview or annual review. 2. Students can create artifacts to represent a single aspect of their identity or multiple aspects. Activity: • Study group 5a. For each artifact, I provide a reflection on its effectiveness in the classroom. This is a good example of an elementary teacher’s portfolio. This artifact shows that the teacher understands how important it is for the teacher to collaborate with a team. Align instructional expectations based on examples of teaching and student work. 5. A Teaching Portfolio should showcase your philosophy. Artifacts from your classroom: examples can include a unit or lesson plan, as well as student responses via photo, Flipgrid, or other source. A professional portfolio is a collection of carefully selected artifacts that represent a teacher's progress and accomplishments in learning to teach. A professor at the University of Northern Colorado, Marc C. Santos’s main interests include research on rhetoric, ethics, critical and post-critical thinking, sophistry, new media, and gaming. In education, there are many new ways to get students engaged in learning. That is why the items and examples that are included in a teacher portfolio are often called artifacts. Please make sure you have a copy of the Master Teacher … )-I.E.P.’s w/ modifications-quizzes-modify classroom organizations-self paced curriculum-modified assignments-lesson plans-student work samples-pictures of hands-on learning-movement activities -ESL materials The optional artifact cover page, provided by ESE, allows educators to align artifacts of practice with the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice.
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