$10.00. The first part of the code will always have two numbers that range between 01 and 56. Put in the 4-digit plant code (without the “P”), and it will tell you where your eggs were packaged. The AIN contains 15 digits, with the first 3 being the country code (840 for the United States), the alpha characters USA, or the numeric code assigned to the manufacturer of the identification device by the International Committee on Animal Recording. The AIN beginning with the 840 prefix may be used only on animals born in the United States. Grade A Condensed and Dry Milk Products and Condensed and Dry Whey (R70-380) Special Inspection Fees for Food and Dairy. Dairy Data. In 2017, USDA AMS Dairy Program was recognized by China as an accepted third party certification body for conducting audits of dairy and infant formula plants. The Great Value brand sour cream is also from a Prairie Farms Dairy, but this one is in Carbondale, Illinois. 9. The Food Safety and Inspection Service is responsible for ensuring that meat, poultry, Siluriformes, and eggs are safe and are properly labeled and packaged. The dairy community in New York includes both large dairy operations and small, family run farms. The products processed or packaged by these plants are not eligible for USDA grading and inspection service unless they are produced or processed from approved dairy ingredients under continuous USDA inspection. Plant approval for grading service does not constitute an endorsement of product quality. There are over 13,000 soft serve licenses issued by this unit. Quincy, FL 32351 The state has more than 4,000 dairy farms, is the fourth largest producer of milk, and is the largest producer of yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream. If you are interested in applying for dairy services, please visit: How to Apply for Services. Dairy Plant design, involves the estimation of capacity, process scheduling and proper layout so as to achieve the objective of handling milk at the least cost and greatest safety. The USDA plant codes are 1925, 1831, 1974, and 1187. $34.40. These services assure the quality of dairy products being manufactured. All references to years refer to fiscal year, except where specifically noted. PREFACE The dairy plants listed in this publication are inspected at least twice yearly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).   Plant approval is determined by unannounced inspections covering more than 100 items, including milk supply, plant facilities, condition of equipment, sanitary practices, and processing procedures. Okeechobee, FL 34972 Cal-Maine Foods P-1060 P.O. Citations, maximum per violation. The plant code tells you which plant the eggs were packaged in. Whether it is located on or off $26.50. Complete inspections of pasteurization equipment for milk and dairy products on a regular basis. Sign up for our daily newsletter for more great articles and delicious, healthy recipes. This one's pretty easy too. All … Code ; State/County Listing State County Name 2013 and Subsequent; State County Code 2013 and Subsequent; State County Name 2012 and Prior; State County Code 2012 and Prior; Insurance Plan Listing Abbreviation; Name; Code; Delivery Type Listing Name; Code Fits the pattern of two numbers, dash, more numbers. Milk and Milk Products with Added Safe and Suitable Microbial Organisms (Such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) Eggnog. *Proposal 301 that was passed at 2001 NCIMS conference held May 5-10, 2001, in Wichita, Kansas and concurred with by FDA states: "Transfer Stations, Receiving Stations and Dairy Plants must achieve a The following are the few Certificate of Inspection. Inspection fee, per hour. § 58.156 Inspection. The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. Inc. (Rochester)..... 1880 It contains a "use-by" date, a time and day bottled, and most importantly, the state code and bottling plant code, seperated by a hyphen. The first two numbers (04) are between 00 and 56. Wisconsin Dairy Plant Number 55-463 Grade B Processing: Grade B Processing <=1,000,000 lbs Specific Processing: Ice Cream, Ice Cream Mix Barron County Cheese 1623B US Highway 8 Barron, WI 54812 Wisconsin Dairy Plant Number 55-623 Grade B Processing: Grade B Processing <=1,000,000 lbs Specific Processing: Cut, Wrap, Grind, Shred, Smoked Cheese The Dairy Data set includes data files covering domestic supply and demand and trade of various dairy products. Directory & Buying Guide. This rule incorporates by reference “Subpart E — Requirements for Licensed Dairy Plants,” of the ‘Milk for Manufacturing Purposes and Its Production and Processing, Recommended Requirements’ published by USDA, AMS, Dairy Programs and made effective July 21, 2011. This freeware has limited functionality and is best view using Internet Explorer. These models were created by the USDA ARS and the University of Wisconsin. The first two numbers are between 0 and 56. The codes never have colons (:). USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. National Milk Drug Residue Database. Plant survey inspections and official grading services are offered to the dairy industry on a voluntary basis. These products are designated by B, C, D, F, M, S and W codes. When requested contractors shall provide to the Government an explanation of the lot coding system utilized. The unit may be contacted at (916) 900–5008. Sample of Local Plant Codes Florida Byrne Dairy (Syracuse) ..... 3661 Hood H P LLC (Oneida)..... 5631 Hood H P LLC (Binghamton)..... 1781 Stewart’s Processing Corp (Saratoga Springs)..... 2151 Upstate Niagara Coop. USDA's Preliminary Regulatory Review Plan (Pursuant to Executive Order 13563) Read and comment on our plan and learn more about the objective and focus of each agency within USDA, as well as the regulatory reviews process. Download. P-1359D 11228 Singletary Road. Food and Dairy Inspection fee, overtime rate. The second part of the code contains five digits and may contain letters and dashes, in addition to numbers. Throughout this publication any reference to the “Budget” is regard to in the 2021 Budget, unless otherwise noted. Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols. Dairy industry directory of dairy processors that supply milk, milk-based beverages, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and other dairy foods and beverages. Dairy Plant Survey Program. Box 649. CFAES Ohio Dairy Industry Resources Center. Contact the Dairy Division. Dairy Plants USA. Example: 37-275, 37 indicates the milk plant is located in North Carolina and 275 identifies a milk plant within the State. Federal Milk Marketing Order 33. This includes all of the Dairy Farms and Processors in California which produce milk products or products resembling milk products. USDA Dairy Program. The data set currently contains one dozen (12) tables describing various facets of the U.S. dairy industry. China is the world's largest dairy importer and is the third largest export destination for U.S. dairy products. Dairy Plant Name Plant Number Plant City Product Category Buffalo Creek Creamery LLC 27-977 PLATO Cheese CityFoodStudio, LLC 27-174 Minneapolis Cheese Concept Processing LLC 27-100 Melrose Fluid, Butter Consolidated Containers 27-936 Moorhead Containers Dahl … Four (4) of the tables contain monthly data, one (1) contains quarterly data, and the remaining seven (7) contain annual data. It is recommended that the part of the code … A small dairy processing plant is a dairy plant which is not located on a farm, processes dairy products, and less than 700,000 lbs of milk a year. sanitary design when construction of a milk product plant is being considered. USDA Plant Number Cal-Maine Foods. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. The source code is released under the GPL. Per Where Is My Milk From?, the codes never start with letters. The dairy industry is the largest single segment of New York's agricultural industry. Learn more about our … Dairy industry directory of dairy processors that supply milk, milk-based beverages, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and other dairy foods and beverages. Codes shown below denote products that are eligible for USDA grading or inspection service, which are manufactured from USDA-approved dairy ingredients at USDA-approved dairy plants listed in this publication. IMS PLANT LISTING AE Dairy 2420 E. University Des Moines, IA 50317 Jim Erickson, Owner 515/265-2521 Fax 515/263-6333 Erval Shipler, Lab Supervisor 515/263-6319 Fax 515/263-6389 John Just, QC 515/263-6382 Cell: 729-2025 www.aedairy.com Jimmy Clark, State Inspector Dean Foods North Central, LLC 1188, 12TH Street SW PO Box 1210 Le Mars, IA 51031 The code is 49-16. The code can often also be found printed on the product label in some cases. OSU Extension This survey is a national program conducted monthly in all states. Heat-Treated (May Include Reduced Fat, Skim, Lowfat or Cream) Pasteurized Milk, Reduced Fat, Lowfat and Skim. The WeedCast Software Suite is a decision aid that currently includes the WeedCast and WheatScout models. The purpose of the Dairy Products survey is to provide information to help administer price support programs and by the dairy industry in planning, pricing, and projecting supplies of milk and milk products. Look for the plant code on your milk. It will always start with a 2-digit number (like 17, or 55 on my containers). The plant code usually (but not always) has a hyphen, and then a 2 to 5 digit number after the hyphen. Where Is My Milk From? has some other tips on how to find your code. This publication summarizes the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Budget for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Cultured or Acidified Milk and Milk Products. Complete regulatory inspections of milk, ice-cream, cheese, and other dairy products manufacturing plants on a regular basis. § 58.154 Refrigerated storage. All purchasers of milk from producers must be bonded and licensed according to state law. You guessed it. Both on-farm dairy processing plants and small dairy processing plants are required to meet many of the same rules and regulations as larger dairy plants. Click Any NAICS Code to See The Description and Top 10 Companies in that field. Storage of Finished Product (§§ 58.153 - 58.154) § 58.153 Dry storage. External Resources. Location: Athens, Tennessee // Dairy: 47-131. National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments. Data on the U.S. dairy situation and commercial disappearance are updated monthly, and U.S. milk production and related data are updated quarterly. Electronic Trade Document Exchange (eTDE) System Information. Dairy Plants USA This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. This is my new favorite thing… I have a few old egg cartons kicking around here. Section 2.7 STATE AND PLANT NUMBER The State and plant number shall be printed on each shipping container. Products made here. Plant Name - City/State/Postal Code: USDA Plant Number; 5/11/2012: Plant Name - City/State/Postal Code. The code is printed on the bottle or container, near the top. Some of the plant type include Frozen, Manufacturing, and Soft Serve Vendors. Inspection, Grading and Official Identification (§§ 58.155 - 58.158) § 58.155 Grading. The plant code here is 17-214. The State and Check near the lid or top label of the dairy product. For comprehensive information on requirements, those specified by Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) actions 33701-34091, and applicable sections of Title 3, Division 2, Chapter 1 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) should be referred to. ... USDA Plant Number Cal-Maine Foods P-1691B 6800 NE 120 Street. Code of Federal Regulations. All of the tables include data compiled from a variety of sources including USDA agencies and individual States. The USDA has another code that conveys where the eggs came from—and that labeling system actually applies to dairy products, too. If you see the letters PLT (which are short for Plant), you're on the right track. However, the dairy industry and the plant design has to meet certain special requirements and need to be focused on these. The software is written in Java and is free to download and use. Phone: 614-466-5550 Email: dairy@agri.ohio.gov. The species list in the wetland monocot key is derived from the U.S. Ohio IMS List. Stay up to date on what healthy means now. You can look up the plant location with this tool from the USDA. unique code is used to identify each lot under a contract. The Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection (MPI) Directory is a listing of establishments that produce meat, poultry, and/or egg products regulated by FSIS. Welcome to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) new, searchable database, known as the fruits and vegetables import requirement--or FAVIR--database. The Dairy program also handles poultry inspection and regulation in North Dakota. Section II: Plants listed in this section may have products produced from dairy ingredients that did not originate from USDA-approved plants (unapproved source plants). The Dairy program handles the licensing of processors, distributors, testers, and bulk haulers of milk and dairy products in North Dakota. Carbondale is a little farther away from me, about 120 miles, but still pretty close! The automated plant keys run in SLIKS freeware written in JavaScript and let you identify specific groups of plants known to occur in the U.S.
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